After Deepika Padukone and Anushka Sharma, both of whom debuted opposite Shah Rukh Khan in their maiden films, it's time for a new entrant to maker her mark in Bollywood. The name is Zarine Khan, who in her first ever Bollywood outing got an opportunity to star opposite none other than Salman Khan. With VEER opening well and Zarine too finding some decent to good appreciation coming her way, the pretty girl can't stop smiling.
"All through the making of the film, I was a bit skeptical whether people would be able to accept me as a leading lady or not", comes a candid confession from Zarine who got VEER by a stroke of luck, "With all the weight on my body that I had to put up for the film, I was unsure about people liking me. However, with people giving thumbs up to the film and good comments coming my way, I am thrilled."
She has all the reasons to be thrilled. After all, she did enjoy a fair share of media and audience attention before the release of the film as well, an opportunity that not many debutant girls get, especially when your co-star is someone as huge as Salman Khan.
Laughs Zarine, "Ask me. I was in wrap for close to two years and I always used to wonder about the reaction of people. I was also pining to come forward and interact with my fan base which was building up over the months. Thankfully I got this chance before the release of the film as well and now with VEER out in theaters, I hope there are more and more people who are like me. Now that I have got my first exposure of being a Bollywood heroine, I certainly look forward to many more outings."
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Zarine Khan: I was skeptical about being accepted
Posted by Zarine Khan at 9:01 AM Sunday, February 14, 2010Labels: Zarine News
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