‘Veer’, the Salman Khan starrer and scripted period film that opened worldwide on 22nd January saw another beautiful actress herald her arrival on the Bollywood fore. Her name is Zarine Khan and she has been in the news for quite sometime coz of her uncanny resemblance to Salman’s girlfriend Katrina Kaif.
But, do you know, how was the Veer’s princess in her studies and what was she aspiring to be. Nope! Not an actress! She got the role out of the blue….as Sallu saw some spark and freshness in her ever-twinkling eyes.
Get your answer from the lady’s own lips, “I used to be a very good student in school. In fact, my mom wanted me to become a doctor. However, due to certain personal problems, I couldn’t complete my education and took to modelling to support my family (What a Veer girl),” she quips.